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CFPS Panel Session at the 2021 Summer Conference of the Korean Association of Party Studies
CFPS Panel Session at the 2021 Summer Conference of the Korean Association of Party Studies 「Current Status and Problems of Digital Parties」 CFPS hosts a special panel session, “Current Status and Problems of Digital Parties”, at the 2021 Summer Conference of the Korean Association of Party Studies on July 8. The conference will be held at Kyungpook National University in Daegu, Korea. The participants will present and discuss research papers focusing on typology of digital parties and new digital parties. ❑Date/time: July 8th, Thursday, 2021. 16:00-17:50. ❑Location: Kyungpook National University, College of Social Science, 424-1. ❑Topic: 「Current Status and Problems of Digital Parties」 ❑Program Chair: Jong Bin Yoon (Myongji University) Presenters: Dong-Joon Jung (Inha University) “Digital Party: Current Status and Problems” Kyungmee Park (Jeonbuk National University) “Evolution of Different Types of Digital Party” Im Yujin (Kangwon National University) “Success and Limitation of Digital Party in France” Discussants: Woo-Young Chang (Daegu Catholic University), Jung-ah Gil (Korea University), Hee Min (Pusan National University), Jungmin Song (Myongji University), Eun Kyung Kim (Kookmin University), Jinju Kim (Myongji University) ❑Organizer: Center for Future Policy Studies ❑Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) ※Contact: 02-300-1874, cffuturepolicies@gmail.com
The 6th Convergence-Networking Colloquium
The 6th Convergence-Networking Colloquium CFPS hosts the 6th Convergence-Networking Colloquium on June 4. The colloquium will discuss the challenges facing democracy in the era of COVID-19. The title of colloquium is “Change in Democracies and Social Conflicts in the Post-COVID-19 Era”. This event will be held via Zoom. ❑Date/time: June 4, Friday, 2021. 10:00-11:20. ❑Topic: Change in Democracies and Social Conflicts in the Post-COVID-19 Era ❑Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9047330844 ❑Organizer: Center for Future Policy Studies ❑Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) ※Contact: 02-300-1874, cffuturepolicies@gmail.com
CFPS Panel Session at the 2021 Spring Conference of the KACIS
CFPS Panel Session at the 2021 Spring Conference of the Korean Association for Communication and Information Studies (KACIS) 「The Issues of Online Public Sphere: Political Polarization and Fake News in Media Platform」 CFPS hosts a special panel session, “The Issues of Online Public Sphere: Political Polarization and Fake News in Media Platform”, at the 2021 Spring Conference of the Korean Association for Communication and Information Studies (KACIS) via Zoom on May 29. The participants will present and discuss diverse topics such as digital party and political Youtubers. ❑Date/time: May 29th, Saturday, 2021. 13:00–15:00. ❑Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81071458125?pwd=OTZMa2xoSVY4OEtjdFRzZ3k1UktZUT09 Meeting ID: 810 7145 8125 Password: 259354 ❑Topic: 「A Model of Citizen-Party Linkages for the Representative Democracy and Social Integration 」 ❑Organizer: Center for Future Policy Studies ❑Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) ※Contact: 02-300-1874, cffuturepolicies@gmail.com
2021 Myongji CFPS International Online Conference
2021 Myongji CFPS International Online Conference 「Democracy, Communication, and Leadership in the era of COVID-19」 CFPS invites you to 2021 Myongji CFPS International Online Conference, 「Democracy, Communication, and Leadership in the era of COVID-19」, which will be held on May 14, Friday. You can attend this conference via Zoom. ❑Date/time: May 14, Friday, 2021. 09:50–19:00. ❑Program Session 1 (10:00-11:30) The Issues of Online Public Sphere: Political Polarization and Fake News in Media Platform Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9047330844 Session 2 (14:00~15:30) Political Parties and Elections in the Era of COVID-19 Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89578404484 Session 3 (17:00~19:00) Social Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Migration Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82289645583 ❑Organizer: Center for Future Policy Studies ❑Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) ※Contact: 02-300-1874, cffuturepolicies@gmail.com
The 5th Special Lecture on Civic Education
The 5th Special Lecture on Civic Education 「Reading Public Mind via Survey: Basic Concepts and Examples of Surveys」 CFPS hosts the 5th Special Lecture on Civic Education, “Reading Public Mind via Survey: Basic Concepts and Examples of Surveys”, on May 11. This special lecture will be offered via online. ❑Date/time: May 11, Tuesday, 2021. 16:30-17:45 ❑Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9047330844 ❑Presenter: Jeong-Seok Park (Hankook Research) ❑Organizer: Center for Future Policy Studies ❑Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) ※Contact: 02-300-1874, cffuturepolicies@gmail.com
CFPS News Briefing
Lee Jun-Seok, a 36-Year-Old Politician Won the Leadership Election for the Main Opposition Party
<Lee Jun-Seok, a 36-Year-Old Politician Won the Leadership Election for the Main Opposition Party> https://www.donga.com/en/article/all/20210612/2716399/1
Main Opposition Party People’s Power Won Landslide Victory in Seoul, Busan by-Elections
<Main Opposition Party People’s Power Won Landslide Victory in Seoul, Busan by-Elections> https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/07/356_306802.html
Ruling Party, Opposition Run Neck and Neck in Korean Presidential Election Race
<Ruling Party, Opposition Run Neck and Neck in Korean Presidential Election Race> https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20210823005351315
The Korean Ruling Party Sets to Pass Law to Curb ‘Fake News’
<The Korean Ruling Party Sets to Pass Law to Curb ‘Fake News’> https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/south-korea-parliament-set-pass-law-curb-fake-news-2021-08-25/
Japan’s Lower House Votes No-Confidence Motion against Suga Cabinet
<Japan’s Lower House Votes No-Confidence Motion against Suga Cabinet> https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Japan-Prime-Minister-Suga-faces-no-confidence-vote
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CFPS News Briefing